The color codes allow precise use of color from one medium to another or from a contact to another. this section offers a wide list of colors with their HTML codes (HEX code), RGB and CMYK code . Choosing one of these code lists depends on the use that we will make. HTML code or HEX: Convenient to the web but also for the works to be presented in a screen (computer, TV) . RGB code: RGB system is used for graphic designs as for the HTML to be projected on screens .CMYK Code : This system is used in printing field, this color chart is used for works that will be printed on a medium. Whatever the printer, the rendering is identical.
HTML COLOR CODE The HTML color code shows the decimal values of RGB hexadecimal. The HTML color codes comes in the form of three pairs of numbers and letters from 0 to F ... List of colors with their html codes ... Read more »
RGB COLOR CODE The RGB color code as HTML color code comes in the form of three pairs of numbers in code between 0 and 255 ... List of colors with their RGB codes ... Read more »
CMYK COLOR CODE CMYK color code is used in printing, we can choose a color based rendering that gives printing. this color codification comes in as 4 codes, each representing the percentage of the color used ... List of colors with their CMYK codes ... Read more »