CMYK color code
COLOR CODE » CMYK color code
CMYK color code is used specially in printing field,it help to choose a color based on rendering that gives printing. The CMYK color code comes in the form of 4 codes each representing the percentage of the color used. The primary colors of subtractive synthesis are cyan, magenta and yellow. Although the last color is the mixt of all the colors which is black , a fourth ink cartridge is added with pure black. The CMYK represent then Cyan pourcentage ,magenta pourcentage ,yellow pourcentage and black pourcentage.
Blue charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Blue |
(100%, 100%, 0%, 0%) |
Aquamarine |
(51%, 0%, 0%, 3%) |
blue |
(100%, 50%, 0%, 0%) |
blue |
(85%, 37%, 0%, 20%) |
Clear blue |
(52%, 14%, 0%, 5%) |
Azurin |
(33%, 52%, 0%, 0%) |
steel blue |
(69%, 24%, 0%, 27%) |
slate blue |
(26%, 21%, 0%, 45%) |
cornflower blue |
(52%, 34%, 0%, 32%) |
blue cornflower |
(52%, 34%, 0%, 32%) |
blue jumped |
(100%, 18%, 0%, 29%) |
heavenly blue |
(84%, 17%, 0%, 7%) |
cerulean |
(94%, 32%, 0%, 9%) |
cerulean blue |
(71%, 33%, 0%, 28%) |
Blue wagon |
(28%, 18%, 0%, 22%) |
wheelwright Blue |
(82%, 19%, 0%, 51%) |
wheelwright Blue |
(28%, 18%, 0%, 22%) |
blue sky |
(53%, 29%, 0%, 0%) |
Cobalt Blue |
(73%, 47%, 0%, 51%) |
Berlin Blue |
(61%, 26%, 0%, 64%) |
Bleu de France |
(79%, 39%, 0%, 9%) |
Midnight Blue |
(100%, 50%, 0%, 60%) |
Prussian Blue |
(61%, 26%, 0%, 64%) |
denim Blue |
(96%, 56%, 0%, 0%) |
Blue South Sea |
(100%, 0%, 0%, 20%) |
lozenge Blue |
(13%, 5%, 0%, 0%) |
Egyptian Blue |
(90%, 69%, 0%, 35%) |
Electric Blue |
(83%, 54%, 0%, 0%) |
blue woad |
(44%, 25%, 0%, 40%) |
blue horizon |
(23%, 14%, 0%, 35%) |
Majorelle Blue |
(56%, 64%, 0%, 14%) |
Navy |
(96%, 55%, 0%, 70%) |
Maya Blue |
(54%, 23%, 0%, 2%) |
Mineral Blue |
(61%, 26%, 0%, 64%) |
Midnight Blue |
(86%, 95%, 0%, 58%) |
Ultramarine |
(100%, 100%, 2%, 3%) |
Ultramarine |
(72%, 100%, 0%, 40%) |
Peacock |
(96%, 17%, 0%, 44%) |
Persian Blue |
(60%, 100%, 0%, 0%) |
Oil Blue |
(64%, 11%, 0%, 68%) |
Royal Blue |
(79%, 39%, 0%, 9%) |
Sapphire Blue |
(99%, 73%, 0%, 29%) |
Teal |
(100%, 0%, 0%, 44%) |
Smalt Blue |
(100%, 67%, 0%, 40%) |
Tiffany Blue |
(74%, 5%, 38%, 0%) |
turquin Blue |
(52%, 34%, 0%, 46) |
caeruleum |
(84%, 17%, 0%, 7%) |
Duck |
(97%, 10%, 0%, 40%) |
cerulean |
(52%, 14%, 0%, 5%) |
Cyan |
(52%, 0%, 13%, 0%) |
Cyan |
(83%, 0%, 0%, 2%) |
Fumes |
(17%, 7%, 0%, 12%) |
Frosted |
(38%, 0%, 0%, 18%) |
Indigo |
(51%, 89%, 0%, 3%) |
Indigo |
(57%, 100%, 0%, 58%) |
Indigo web |
(42%, 100%, 0%, 49%) |
Klein |
(100%, 87%, 0%, 0%) |
Klein |
(74%, 82%, 0%, 51%) |
Lapis Lazuli |
(76%, 38%, 0%, 39%) |
Lavender |
(36%, 44%, 0%, 7%) |
Pastel |
(44%, 25%, 0%, 40%) |
Pervenche |
(20%, 20%, 0%, 0%) |
Turquoise |
(85%, 0%, 8%, 1%) |
White charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
White |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
Alabaster |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
Clay |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 6%) |
Azur mist |
(6%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
Light beige |
(0%, 0%, 10%, 40%) |
-white |
(0%, 0%, 11%, 0%) |
White lead White |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White Cream |
(0%, 5%, 27%, 1%) |
White silver |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White Milk |
(0%, 0%, 1%, 1%) |
flax White |
(0%, 4%, 8%, 2%) |
White Platinum |
(0%, 4%, 21%, 2%) |
lead White |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White Saturn |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White Troyes |
(0%, 0%, 6%, 0%) |
Zinc White |
(3%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White of Spain |
(0%, 0%, 6%, 0%) |
White ivory |
(0%, 0%, 17%, 100%) |
Ecru White |
(0%, 0%, 12%, 0%) |
Lunar White |
(4%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
Snow White |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White opal |
(5%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
White-blue |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%) |
Eggshell |
(0%, 8%, 11%, 1%) |
nymph thigh |
(0%, 9%, 6%, 0%) |
Brown charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Brown |
(0%, 34%, 81%, 64%) |
Mahogany |
(0%, 51%, 79%, 47%) |
Chestnut |
(0%, 38%, 77%, 35%) |
Amber |
(0%, 19%, 100%, 6%) |
Auburn |
(0%, 61%, 92%, 38%) |
Suntan |
(0%, 22%, 53%, 45%) |
Beige |
(0%, 14%, 37%, 22%) |
Light beige |
(0%, 0%, 10%, 40%) |
Beigeasse |
(0%, 5%, 30%, 31%) |
Bistre |
(0%, 30%, 49%, 76%) |
Bistre |
(0%, 18%, 42%, 48%) |
Bitumen |
(0%, 22%, 49%, 69%) |
Blet |
(0%, 34%, 81%, 64%) |
Brick |
(0%, 65%, 80%, 48%) |
Bronze |
(0%, 20%, 73%, 62%) |
walnut Brou |
(0%, 46%, 94%, 75%) |
Office |
(0%, 19%, 54%, 58%) |
Cocoa |
(0%, 23%, 40%, 62%) |
Cachou |
(0%, 43%, 74%, 82%) |
Café |
(0%, 34%, 99%, 73%) |
Latte |
(0%, 22%, 61%, 53%) |
Cannelle |
(0%, 30%, 58%, 51%) |
Caramel |
(0%, 60%, 100%, 51%) |
Chestnut |
(0%, 15%, 30%, 50%) |
Light |
(0%, 22%, 53%, 45%) |
Cauldron |
(0%, 38%, 89%, 48%) |
Chocolate |
(0%, 36%, 62%, 65%) |
Pumpkin |
(0%, 45%, 80%, 13%) |
Fauve |
(0%, 54%, 95%, 32%) |
Sheet-dead |
(0%, 47%, 72%, 40%) |
Grège |
(0%, 7%, 19%, 27%) |
Moorish Grey |
(0%, 10%, 36%, 59%) |
Lavallière |
(0%, 38%, 76%, 44%) |
Brown |
(0%, 53%, 100%, 65%) |
Mordoré |
(0%, 34%, 81%, 47%) |
Hazel |
(0%, 42%, 73%, 42%) |
Burnt Orange |
(0%, 58%, 100%, 20%) |
Chip |
(0%, 72%, 88%, 69%) |
Red bismarck |
(0%, 77%, 94%, 35%) |
Red tomette |
(0%, 57%, 70%, 32%) |
Rust |
(0%, 43%, 85%, 40%) |
beef Blood |
(0%, 93%, 100%, 55%) |
Senois |
(0%, 55%, 74%, 45%) |
Sepia |
(0%, 17%, 29%, 34%) |
Sepia |
(0%, 21%, 43%, 32%) |
Tobacco |
(0%, 47%, 81%, 38%) |
Sienna |
(0%, 41%, 63%, 44%) |
Umber |
(0%, 7%, 27%, 62%) |
Umber |
(0%, 25%, 73%, 43%) |
Vanilla |
(0%, 8%, 32%, 12%) |
Gray charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Grey |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 62%) |
Slate |
(16%, 12%, 0%, 58%) |
Silver |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 19%) |
Clay |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 6%) |
Bi |
(0%, 6%, 15%, 54%) |
Bistre |
(0%, 30%, 49%, 76%) |
Bistre |
(0%, 18%, 42%, 48%) |
Bitumen |
(0%, 22%, 49%, 69%) |
Celadon |
(21%, 0%, 9%, 35%) |
Chestnut |
(0%, 15%, 30%, 50%) |
oxidized Tin |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 27%) |
pure Tin |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 7%) |
Fumes |
(17%, 7%, 0%, 12%) |
Grège |
(0%, 7%, 19%, 27%) |
Steel Grey |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 31%) |
Charcoal Grey |
(72%, 65%, 61%, 61%) |
Payne Grey |
(15%, 7%, 0%, 53%) |
Gray iron |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 48%) |
Gray iron |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 50%) |
Pearl Grey |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 19%) |
Pearl Grey |
(4%, 0%, 2%, 80%) |
Gray |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 38%) |
Dove Gray |
(0%, 8%, 8%, 27%) |
Putty |
(0%, 1%, 19%, 30%) |
Pinchard |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 20%) |
Lead |
(6%, 1%, 0%, 49%) |
Mountbatten Pink |
(0%, 280%, 0%, 40%) |
Taupe |
(0%, 10%, 29%, 73%) |
Tourdille |
(0%, 1%, 8%, 24%) |
Yellow charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Yellow |
(0%, 0%, 100%, 0%) |
Amber |
(0%, 19%, 100%, 6%) |
Aurore |
(0%, 20%, 62%, 0%) |
Butter |
(0%, 5%, 55%, 6%) |
fees Butter |
(0%, 4%, 45%, 0%) |
Wheat |
(0%, 8%, 79%, 9%) |
Blonde |
(0%, 17%, 49%, 11%) |
Golden Button |
(0%, 13%, 93%, 1%) |
Bulle |
(0%, 11%, 41%, 7%) |
goose Caca |
(0%, 0%, 94%, 20%) |
Chamois |
(0%, 8%, 41%, 18%) |
Champagne |
(0%, 4%, 27%, 2%) |
Chrome |
(7%, 0%, 95%, 0%) |
Chrome |
(0%, 0%, 98%, 0%) |
Lemon |
(3%, 0%, 76%, 0%) |
Fauve |
(0%, 54%, 95%, 32%) |
Flave |
(0%, 0%, 34%, 10%) |
sulfur Flower |
(0%, 0%, 58%, 0%) |
Gamboge |
(0%, 35%, 94%, 6%) |
Yellow aureolin |
(0%, 12%, 72%, 6%) |
yellow banana |
(0%, 13%, 97%, 18%) |
Chickadee |
(4%, 0%, 95%, 6%) |
Yellow chartreuse |
(13%, 0%, 100%, 0%) |
cobalt Yellow |
(0%, 6%, 100%, 0%) |
Naples yellow |
(0%, 6%, 26%, 0%) |
Golden Yellow |
(0%, 10%, 97%, 6%) |
Imperial Yellow |
(0%, 11%, 79%, 0%) |
Yellow mimosa |
(0%, 2%, 57%, 0%) |
Yellow mustard |
(4%, 0%, 100%, 19%) |
Yellow nankin |
(0%, 9%, 57%, 3%) |
Yellow olive |
(0%, 0%, 100%, 50%) |
yellow straw |
(0%, 11%, 72%, 0%) |
Yellow chick |
(0%, 8%, 62%, 3%) |
Corn |
(0%, 13%, 54%, 0%) |
March |
(0%, 12%, 65%, 7%) |
Putty |
(0%, 1%, 19%, 30%) |
Honey |
(0%, 18%, 95%, 15%) |
yellow ocher |
(0%, 22%, 82%, 13%) |
Red Ochre |
(0%, 31%, 58%, 13%) |
Or |
(0%, 18%, 94%, 0%) |
Orpiment |
(0%, 17%, 89%, 1%) |
Camel Hair |
(0%, 34%, 81%, 29%) |
Cow Tail |
(0% 8% 43% 24%) |
Cow Tail |
(0%, 10%, 31%, 34%) |
Sand |
(0%, 8%, 25%, 12%) |
Safran |
(0%, 12%, 91%, 5%) |
sulfur |
(0%, 0%, 58%, 0%) |
Topaz |
(0%, 6%, 54%, 2%) |
Vanilla |
(0%, 8%, 32%, 12%) |
Venetian |
(0%, 27%, 64%, 9%) |
Black charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Black |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
Crow Wing |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
walnut Brou |
(0%, 46%, 94%, 75%) |
Cassis |
(0%, 93%, 75%, 83%) |
Cassis |
(0%, 97%, 78%, 77%) |
Dorian |
(77%, 26%, 39%, 59) |
Ebony |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
animal Black |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
Black coal |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
Aniline Black |
(18%, 41%, 0%, 91%) |
Carbon Black |
(0%, 26%, 47%, 93%) |
Black smoke |
(0%, 26%, 47%, 93%) |
jet Black |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
Black ink |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
ivory Black |
(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%) |
Noiraud |
(0%, 36%, 70%, 82%) |
Licorice |
(0%, 20%, 33%, 82) |
Orange charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Orange |
(0%, 46%, 93%, 7%) |
Apricot |
(0%, 45%, 79%, 10%) |
Aurore |
(0%, 20%, 62%, 0%) |
Bi |
(0%, 6%, 21%, 5%) |
Bisque |
(0%, 11%, 23%, 0%) |
Carrot |
(0%, 56%, 85%, 5%) |
Pumpkin |
(0%, 45%, 80%, 13%) |
Reef |
(0%, 73%, 100%, 9%) |
Copper |
(0%, 42%, 100%, 30%) |
Gamboge |
(0%, 35%, 94%, 6%) |
Mandarine |
(0%, 36%, 72%, 0%) |
Melon |
(0%, 32%, 90%, 13%) |
Orange |
(0%, 34%, 100%, 2%) |
Burnt Orange |
(0%, 58%, 100%, 20%) |
Roux |
(0%, 54%, 95%, 32%) |
Safran |
(0%, 12%, 91%, 5%) |
Salmon |
(0%, 43%, 66%, 3%) |
Tangerine |
(0%, 73%, 89%, 0%) |
Tanné |
(0%, 49%, 99%, 35%) |
Vanilla |
(0%, 8%, 32%, 12%) |
Belly doe |
(0%, 14%, 24%, 9%) |
Pink charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Rose |
(0%, 57%, 38%, 1%) |
Bisque |
(0%, 11%, 23%, 0%) |
Cherry |
(0%, 78%, 55%, 13%) |
Chair |
(0%, 23%, 32%, 0%) |
Eggshell |
(0%, 8%, 11%, 1%) |
nymph thigh |
(0%, 9%, 6%, 0%) |
Raspberry |
(0%, 78%, 64%, 22%) |
Fuchsia |
(0%, 75%, 42%, 1%) |
Heliotrope |
(13%, 55%, 0%, 0%) |
Watermelon |
(0%, 41%, 37%, 0%) |
Magenta ??span> |
(0%, 100%, 0%, 0%) |
Dark Magenta ??span> |
(0%, 100%, 0%, 50%) |
Magenta Fuchsia |
(0%, 100%, 47%, 14%) |
Purple |
(0%, 46%, 0%, 17%) |
Fishing |
(0%, 25%, 28%, 1) |
brooms Rose |
(0%, 46%, 27%, 23%) |
Candy Pink |
(0%, 74%, 37%, 2%) |
Pink |
(0%, 25%, 17%, 0%) |
Mountbatten Pink |
(0%, 280%, 0%, 40%) |
Tea Rose |
(0%, 47% 58% 0%) |
Hot Pink |
(0%, 100%, 50%, 0%) |
Salmon |
(0%, 43%, 66%, 3%) |
Red charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Red |
(0%, 100%, 100%, 0%) |
Amarante |
(0%, 72%, 59%, 43%) |
Bordeaux |
(0%, 94%, 76%, 57%) |
Brick |
(0%, 65%, 80%, 48%) |
Cherry |
(0%, 94%, 94%, 27%) |
Reef |
(0%, 73%, 100%, 9%) |
Scarlet |
(0%, 100%, 100%, 7%) |
Strawberry |
(0%, 75%, 75%, 25%) |
Strawberry crushed |
(0%, 78%, 78%, 36%) |
Raspberry |
(0%, 78%, 64%, 22%) |
Fuchsia |
(0%, 75%, 42%, 1%) |
Grenadine |
(0%, 76%, 73%, 9%) |
Garnet |
(0%, 90%, 82%, 57%) |
Watermelon |
(0%, 41%, 37%, 0%) |
Crimson |
(0%, 56%, 51%, 0%) |
Magenta ??span> |
(0%, 100%, 0%, 0%) |
Dark Magenta ??span> |
(0%, 100%, 0%, 50%) |
Magenta Fuchsia |
(0%, 100%, 47%, 14%) |
Purple |
(0%, 46%, 0%, 17%) |
Nacarat |
(0%, 63%, 63%, 1%) |
Red Ochre |
(0%, 31%, 58%, 13%) |
Pass velvet |
(0%, 72%, 59%, 43%) |
Purple |
(0%, 91%, 59%, 38%) |
Prune |
(0%, 84%, 36%, 49%) |
Hot Pink |
(0%, 100%, 50%, 0%) |
Alizarin Red |
(0%, 96%, 100%, 22%) |
English Red |
(0%, 86%, 95%, 3%) |
Red bismarck |
(0%, 77%, 94%, 35%) |
Red Burgundy |
(0%, 88%, 88%, 58%) |
Red nasturtium |
(0%, 63%, 70%, 0%) |
Cardinal Red |
(0%, 83%, 91%, 28%) |
Carmine red |
(0%, 100%, 84%, 41%) |
red cinnabar |
(0%, 89%, 99%, 14%) |
red cinnabar |
(0%, 72%, 85%, 1%) |
Red Poppy |
(0%, 96%, 100%, 22%) |
Crimson |
(0%, 100%, 84%, 41%) |
Crimson |
(0%, 91%, 73%, 14%) |
Red Adrianople |
(0%, 90%, 99%, 34%) |
Red aniline |
(0%, 100%, 100%, 8%) |
Red gong |
(0%, 81%, 81%, 50%) |
March Rouge |
(0%, 86%, 95%, 3%) |
Red crayfish |
(0%, 83%, 99%, 26%) |
Red Fire |
(0%, 89%, 100%, 0%) |
Red Fire |
(0%, 71%, 100%, 0%) |
Red madder |
(0%, 93%, 93%, 7%) |
Red currant |
(0%, 95%, 86%, 19%) |
Red culvert |
(0%, 96%, 100%, 22%) |
Ruby Red |
(0%, 92%, 58%, 12%) |
Red blood |
(0%, 95%, 95%, 48%) |
Red tomato |
(0%, 82%, 90%, 13%) |
Red tomette |
(0%, 57%, 70%, 32%) |
Turkish Red |
(0%, 90%, 99%, 34%) |
red vermilion |
(0%, 89%, 99%, 14%) |
red vermilion |
(0%, 72%, 85%, 1%) |
red-violet |
(0%, 89%, 33%, 22%) |
Rust |
(0%, 43%, 85%, 40%) |
beef Blood |
(0%, 93%, 100%, 55%) |
Senois |
(0%, 55%, 74%, 45%) |
Terracotta ??span> |
(0%, 62%, 55%, 20%) |
Vermeil |
(0%, 96%, 87%, 13%) |
Zizolin |
(9%, 98%, 0%, 53%) |
Green charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Green |
(100%, 0%, 100%, 0%) |
Aquamarine |
(51%, 0%, 0%, 3%) |
Asparagus |
(23%, 0%, 43%, 37%) |
Teal |
(100%, 0%, 0%, 44%) |
Duck |
(97%, 10%, 0%, 40%) |
Celadon |
(21%, 0%, 9%, 35%) |
Frosted |
(38%, 0%, 0%, 18%) |
Murky |
(35%, 0%, 12%, 39%) |
Hooker |
(66%, 0%, 90%, 69%) |
Jade |
(42%, 0%, 38%, 9%) |
Khaki |
(0%, 13%, 71%, 42%) |
Peppermint |
(88%, 0%, 58%, 28%) |
Water Mint |
(66%, 0%, 43%, 2%) |
Sinople |
(86%, 0%, 86%, 42%) |
Turquoise |
(85%, 0%, 8%, 1%) |
Vert absinthe |
(43%, 0%, 66%, 13%) |
Green almond |
(34%, 0%, 45%, 23%) |
English Green |
(58%, 0%, 47%, 78%) |
anise Green |
(37%, 0%, 92%, 0%) |
Green lawyer |
(34%, 0%, 98%, 49%) |
Green bottle |
(92%, 0%, 92%, 58%) |
green chartreuse |
(21%, 0%, 80%, 3%) |
Lime |
(100%, 0%, 100%, 0%) |
Chrome Green |
(58%, 0%, 47%, 78%) |
Verdigris |
(10%, 0%, 10%, 35%) |
Sap Green |
(72%, 0%, 88%, 53%) |
Green Water |
(27%, 0%, 25%, 5%) |
Emerald Green |
(100%, 0%, 59%, 16%) |
Green Empire |
(100%, 0%, 69%, 66%) |
green spinach |
(41%, 0%, 0%, 69%) |
green grass |
(63%, 0%, 78%, 38%) |
Green Imperial |
(100%, 0%, 69%, 66%) |
green khaki |
(12%, 0%, 63%, 46%) |
lichen Green |
(31%, 0%, 35%, 24%) |
Lime Green |
(38%, 0%, 78%, 1%) |
Malachite Green |
(81%, 0%, 47%, 37%) |
larch Green |
(50%, 0%, 35%, 56%) |
Military Green |
(13%, 0%, 34%, 60%) |
Moss |
(35%, 0%, 43%, 38%) |
Olive |
(21%, 0%, 75%, 45%) |
green opaline |
(32%, 0%, 11%, 13%) |
green parrot |
(76%, 0%, 69%, 5%) |
pine Green |
(99%, 0%, 8%, 53%) |
Pistachio Green |
(22%, 0%, 53%, 4%) |
Green leek |
(54%, 0%, 36%, 35%) |
Apple green |
(74%, 0%, 82%, 21%) |
green meadow |
(59%, 0%, 72%, 16%) |
Green prasin |
(54%, 0%, 36%, 35%) |
Spring Green |
(100%, 0%, 50%, 0%) |
Forest Green |
(89%, 0%, 51%, 68%) |
Sage Green |
(34%, 0%, 28%, 38%) |
Green smaragdin |
(100%, 0%, 59%, 16%) |
Green lime |
(21%, 0%, 61%, 18%) |
Veronese Green |
(21%, 0%, 59%, 56%) |
viride Green |
(51%, 0%, 16%, 49%) |
Purple charts - Code CMYK |
Color name |
Color preview |
Purple |
(33%, 100%, 0%, 40%) |
Amethyst |
(19%, 54%, 0%, 35%) |
Aubergine |
(0%, 100%, 27%, 78%) |
Persian Blue |
(60%, 100%, 0%, 0%) |
Byzantine |
(0%, 73%, 13%, 26%) |
Byzantium |
(0%, 63%, 12%, 56%) |
Cherry |
(0%, 78%, 55%, 13%) |
Colombin |
(0%, 35%, 12%, 58%) |
Fuchsia |
(0%, 75%, 42%, 1%) |
Glycine |
(9%, 27%, 0%, 14%) |
flax Grey |
(11%, 14%, 0%, 7%) |
Heliotrope |
(13%, 55%, 0%, 0%) |
Indigo |
(51%, 89%, 0%, 3%) |
Indigo |
(57%, 100%, 0%, 58%) |
Indigo web |
(42%, 100%, 0%, 49%) |
Lavender |
(36%, 44%, 0%, 7%) |
Wine Lie |
(0%, 83%, 60%, 33%) |
Lilas |
(13%, 51%, 0%, 18%) |
Magenta ??span> |
(0%, 100%, 0%, 0%) |
Dark Magenta ??span> |
(0%, 100%, 0%, 50%) |
Magenta Fuchsia |
(0%, 100%, 47%, 14%) |
Purple |
(0%, 46%, 0%, 17%) |
orchid |
(0%, 49%, 2%, 15%) |
Parma |
(11%, 31%, 0%, 9%) |
Purple |
(0%, 91%, 59%, 38%) |
Prune |
(0%, 84%, 36%, 49%) |
Candy Pink |
(0%, 74%, 37%, 2%) |
Hot Pink |
(0%, 100%, 50%, 0%) |
red-violet |
(0%, 89%, 33%, 22%) |
Bishop Violet |
(0%, 46%, 12%, 55%) |
Violine |
(0%, 96%, 18%, 37%) |
Zizolin |
(9%, 98%, 0%, 53%) |